But how are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? -Romans 10:14-15

Friday, March 11, 2016

Good News Club

Starting ministries back up after Christmas, we decided to change things with the church’s kid club, The Good News Club. We now separate by gender. For the first half hour the boys play football (soccer) and the girls do a girly thing. Then they all come together for the last half hour for a Bible story and quiz (they love the quiz!). I am in charge of the girls and coming up with a “girly” activity every week. This was challenging! But thank you Jesus for answering prayer (and for Pinterest!)
Flower assembling  
The Good New Club girls made wee flowers out of popsicles.
Along with Lois, who comes along to help from the YF.
Flowers for popsicles, trying on the radiator.
These girls are so creative!
The alternating weeks from crafts we do baking.
This is the making of Rice Krispie Buns (melted chocolate mixed with Rice Krispies)

What would an evening of baking be without licking the spoon?
For Valentine's Day we did a themed craft! The girls made wreaths from paper plates.
The finished product! I'm always amazed by how creative these girls are! What's the expression, give them an inch and they take a mile?

Mother's Day is celebrated the first Sunday in March here. I felt like I was scraping the bottom of the barrel that week before! All I had for the girls were bits and bobs left over from previous crafts and colored paper. I had the girls just make cards for their mums. It was really brilliant! Keeping it simple really does work!
This was the making of Top Hats (melted chocolate poured into the bottom of a cupcake liner, a marshmallow placed on top with a Smarty (M&M)- with a drop of chocolate to hold it on - placed on the very top!)

This past week we made proper Rice Krispie Treats. They'd never made them before, so after being able to learn their "buns" it was fun being able to teach them some American one's. That said though, I had not realized how sticky melted marshmallows are! No pictures. It was an all hands on deck night!

Ironically that night I was giving the talk for the GNC. The talk was on Jonah. The week previous  we'd left Jonah thrown over the ship in the middle of a storm... what was going to happen to Jonah? What was going to happen to Nineveh? So this week when we picked the story back up, I asked the question: "Have you ever been in a sticky situation?" All the girls raised their hands!! "Just there!!" Oh those Rice Krispie treats.... that melted marshmallow.... Dear Jesus... Your sense of humor... What can I say? I could never have tied a craft/baking into a talk so well!

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